Manic Monday!

So I have just recently come up with the idea of doing a post every Monday on bookish things and new releases to go crazy over! In these segments I plan on including things such as: Authors, publishers, new releases, bookish products/accessorizes, indie book stores, fan art, subscription boxes, etc. If there is a category you would like to see, but it isn't listed here, let me know in the comments! Also if there is something specific you think I should feature please contact me and let me know!

for my first Manic Monday I am choosing to feature...


These cool gadgets have been on my wishlist for ages! It is so simple but awesome and has the potential to be extremely useful! I always find myself holding my book with one hand and have trouble keeping the book open enough for me to read. This would help me out a lot and I'm sure it could help you too if you find yourself having these same problems.

These gadgets are available to purchase on (This post is not sponsored or endorsed, I have chosen of my own free will to share this product with you)


  1. I would be worried about cracking the spine on my book :(

    1. True... I didn't think about that. Well, I guess if you liked a well-worn book it wouldn't matter, but if you wanted to keep them pristine it could become a problem. Maybe there is a technique to break in a book without damaging them?


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