
Hey guys!

I just wanted to apologize for not sticking to my usual posting schedule. School has recently started back and I find I'm having trouble with posting so much within a week.

So, I have decided, that during the school season I will post once a week on Mondays. I have a very busy schedule this year, but I promise I will post!

Manic Mondays will be posted the first Monday of every month, so you will have a post at the beginning of every month to look forward to! πŸ˜†

Since my posting won't be as frequent, now would be a great time to subscribe to my blog so that you get notified when I post! πŸ˜‰

I will probably go back to my original schedule when summer comes back around.

But in the meantime... I have a project in the works to share with you all soon, and a new book review on an AMAZING book I was sent for review! So stay tuned for more awesome content!

Thank you for understanding and being supportive of this blog! I love you all and hope you stick with me! πŸ’—

 animation love artists on tumblr 2d animation hearts GIF
(image from Giphy)


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