
Showing posts from August, 2017

Alexander Hamilton Graphic Novel

The graphic history of an American Founding Father by Jonathan Hennessey and art by Justin Greenwood Goodreads Summary *NO SPOILERS* I love graphic novels but I’m not a huge fan of history. My logic in requesting this book from the website Blogging for Books, was that maybe my love for graphic novels could help me start to love history as well. The problem with that is that I just think history is boring, so I don’t think I will ever be cured of my disinterest in the subject. I didn’t quite enjoy this book because of the way it presented information, sometimes it felt like I was reading bits and pieces of a history textbook. The art was alright but I wanted a little more detail in the scenes. I think this book would be great for anyone who loves history and is interested in the life of Alexander Hamilton. This book would also be great for fans of the Broadway musical Hamilton. I’m sure others love it but this just wasn’t my cup of tea. There is no origin...

Aaru by David Meredith

Goodreads Summary *NO SPOILERS* Aaru is truly an awesome gem of a book! I went into this book not knowing much but was very intrigued by the premise. I was a little apprehensive at first because I didn’t really know if I would love it or not, but my fears were unfounded! Reading this book was such a pleasure and it is one of those that really makes you think without being overly philosophical and boring. The only problem I had throughout the entirety of this book was that some of the language was really big words I had no idea what they meant, but that gave me the opportunity to learn some new vocabulary. I really liked the topic exploration of death, and how our world and lives would change if technology were to evolve enough to actually store our souls. I haven’t ever read a book like this, and I admire its uniqueness. There were some parts here and there that I could predict certain outcomes, but it didn’t take away from the story. Koren and Rose were so relat...

Manic Monday!

It's just another manic monday... Today's item is so simple but extremely useful,  it's a READING PILLOW!! (I don't know the actual name for it)                     Seriously guys, we all have trouble finding a comfortable reading position, and this pillow could solve all those problems.! Get yourself one of these and you won't have trouble reading for hours on end. Depending on what style or brand you get, these things can be cheap as well! Like I said it is a simple but effective solution to back problems while reading. Let me know in the comments below if you have one of these, or are interested in getting one!


Hey guys! I just wanted to apologize for not sticking to my usual posting schedule. School has recently started back and I find I'm having trouble with posting so much within a week. So, I have decided, that during the school season I will post once a week on Mondays. I have a very busy schedule this year, but I promise I will post! Manic Mondays will be posted the first Monday of every month, so you will have a post at the beginning of every month to look forward to! 😆 Since my posting won't be as frequent, now would be a great time to subscribe to my blog so that you get notified when I post! 😉 I will probably go back to my original schedule when summer comes back around. But in the meantime... I have a project in the works to share with you all soon, and a new book review on an AMAZING book I was sent for review! So stay tuned for more awesome content! Thank you for understanding and being supportive of this blog! I love you all and hope you stick wit...

Book Name!

Today I figured I would spell my name in books. If you would like to do this, then I encourage you to do so, and let me know so I can see it! I did not make this idea up, and I think there is a tag that goes along with this, but I don’t know what it is. So, my name is Madison, and I will be finding some of my favorite books that start with each letter of my name. (Some of them I won’t have a review on, due to reading BB. Before blog.) M – Made you up by Francesca Zappia  Amazon image I really love mental health books and this one is just written impeccably! A – Armada by Ernest Cline   Wiki image You know I had to include this one! It is now one of my all-time fav’s! Check out my review here . D – Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller Amazon image This book is 10 different levels of awesome that everyone deserves to have the pleasure of reading! I – I can’t make this up by Kevin Hart Amazon image ...

Icons by Margaret Stohl

Goodreads Summary *NO SPOILERS* I really wished the world building in this book was written better. I felt that although the story was good, the background information was lacking. I felt as if there were gaps in the story, and I would sometimes get confused about what was going on, due to the lack of explanation. There was also some Spanish thrown in there that I didn’t know the meaning of, but it was mild and not a huge problem. Also, there wasn’t much action until the very end. This book is sci-fi so I was expecting more action scenes, but the one at the end made up for it. After each chapter, there was a short journal/medical analysis that didn’t really make sense, until about halfway through the book. I thought it odd and confusing to include those. Overall the originality and interest was there, it just needed to be written better. This being another book that has sat on my shelf forever, I didn’t have high expectations for it. And in some ways, it surprised...

Manic Monday!

It's just another Manic Monday... Today’s Manic Monday features a special kind of bookmark called… myBOOKmark!   myBOOKmark is a company based in Ukraine that makes little feet for your book! The bookmark usually includes a quote on the top part also. I actually have one of these, I have a mermaid tail one with the quote, “I belong to the sea.” These bookmarks are really cool because they are different and fun. You can find these bookmarks on Amazon or Etsy. They also have an Instagram page @mybookmark. If you are like me, and collect bookmarks, then this one will be the perfect addition! (From Giphy) Let me know in the comments below if you have one of these!

Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong

Goodreads Summary *NO SPOILERS* This book took me COMPLETELY by surprise and ended up on my “Top 5 2017” list in the sidebar. As a Booktube-a-thon pick, this book has been on the back-burner for quite some time now. And I am so mad at myself for not reading this book when I first got it! Seriously, I will forever hang my head in shame ☹ . This book is so easy to read because of the writing style and short chapters, I jumped right in and couldn’t stop reading! Half-way through I even re-searched if there were other books to the series because I was loving it that much! If I read a series I usually buy them all at the same time because I’m a fast reader and don’t like waiting for the next book. Moria is my spirit animal and I just know that we would be best friends! These characters are so easy to relate to and are super compatible together. Everything just fit perfectly! I was also super impressed by the plot and it was exciting to read about something new and fun. ...

Why I have two sections to my reviews.

Today I will share with you why I include a spoiler section to my reviews. Of course the reason for writing the non-spoiler part is a given, but why do I include spoilers? Well, I’m glad you asked! You see, most of my friends in real life don’t read, so I don’t have anyone to share my thoughts on a book with except you guys. When I get done reading a good book I just want to share with someone all of my theories and predictions about what I thought would happen and what can still happen. I like hearing how other people interpreted a book also, so I leave my spoilers so others can read them and either agree or disagree. And, if you picked up a book because of my non-spoiler review, then you can always come back and read the spoiler section when you get finished! We can compare notes and have a great time picking apart the book. If you enjoy the written word just as much as I do, then I know you want to share it with everyone! So, for those who have read some of...

Pushing Up Daisies by M.C. Beaton

Goodreads Summary *NO SPOILERS* After finishing this book, I realized that I should have never bought it. This was my first time reading a detective novel, and if all of them are like this one, Then I don’t want to read this genre anymore. This book is the 27 th in a series, but can be read as a stand-alone. I only bought this book because I had a coupon for a mystery novel from Barnes and Nobel, and the cover was pretty. Soon after I started reading I came to the conclusion that it was an British mystery novel. As I am from the USA, I didn’t understand some of the slang words used. The writing style really bothered me, because the author would switch the POV’s in the middle of a paragraph and nothing really fit together and the story didn’t flow right. It was really annoying trying to figure out who’s point of view it was, and then separating the setting to fit their different situations. This whole book read like a soap-opera with too many side stories to keep ...

On Edge by Andrea Petersen

Goodreads Summary *NO SPOILERS* On Edge is delightfully informative take on what it means to live with anxiety, and how to overcome it. This book made me realize how many people live with some form of day-to-day anxiety, whether it be big or small. Anxiety is more common than we think, and this book was a good read because it was very informative on what it is like to deal with it in every aspect of life. Petersen wrote about her struggles in work, home, and other areas of life, that seem so easy and simple to someone without a disorder like anxiety, but can be very hard for someone like Andrea. She also writes about the changes in treatment and awareness from the 80’s to now. I’m glad she wrote this book because it shows that even though you think you aren’t in control, you can harness your affliction and turn it into something positive. This book also shows that you can still be successful even if you are dealing with something like anxiety. I think that anxiet...

Manic Monday!

For today’s Manic Monday I’m going to share with you something I have recently received for my birthday… BOOKEEPER! The Bookeeper is a weight that holds your book open for you so you don’t have to hold it! This product is made by the brand Superior Essentials. It can come in Black, Green, or Red. Bookeeper has a special grip technology that keeps it from sliding up to and angle of 45 degrees! It is waterproof and washable, it also has a matte finish that keeps it from picking up dirt or lint. In the few days that I have been using it has been extremely useful. It is also great for reading outside because the wind has no power over the Bookeeper! It is great for hardback and paperback books. It can also be used as a place holder and type of bookmark if you wish to do so. People love it so much that it has a 4.6 star review out of 5 stars on Amazon! I encourage you all to go and try this device! If you go to Amazon to look for it, I rec...

Why I use the Goodreads link

Today I thought I would explain why, in my reviews, I link the goodreads page of the book.  For those of you who know my setup you know I link the goodreads summary before I start my non-spoilers section of my review. I do this because of personal reasons, when I read a review on someone else’s blog, 9 times out of 10, I usually know about the book already. If I read a review, its usually because I want to know what someone thought of a potential read, therefore I have already read the synopsis. I know it’s ‘traditional’ to include a short summary at the beginning of a review, but I know I don’t like reading those when looking for reviews. I decided to take a shortcut and just include a link to a summary for those who don’t know anything about the book. And besides, Goodreads will probably do a better job of explaining the book anyway (and it’s most likely you will go to the goodreads page to learn more). So, I thought this was a good way to solve all of t...

Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst

Goodreads Summary *NO SPOILERS* This book was one I had gotten in one of my Owlcrate subscription boxes, I was excited when I got it and then never thought of it again. Because of the motivation Booktube-A-Thon has given me I read it and was glad I decided to add it to my agenda. I liked this book! It was cute and fun, with magic and mystery involved, although it was very heavy handed with the politics. This book has a lot of court politics and etiquette involved that put me off a little. I would have much rather seen more of the magical elements involved, and when they did pop up that storyline seemed to clash with the politics and romance. It seemed like the transitions between these three different types of scenes were rough and weren’t written properly. Other than that, I liked the story and the action of it all, chapters were short so it was easy to keep reading. My question is, why does every fantasy book have hard names to pronounce?? This whole book was fi...